C&B Farms: Growing Delicious Produce and Building Strong Communities in Florida

C&B Farms is a family-owned farm located in Clewiston, Florida, that has been providing fresh produce to communities throughout the state for over 50 years. At Naked Farmer, we regularly purchase locally-sourced vegetables and herbs from our friends at C&B on our mission to build a better food system. The farm is committed to sustainable farming practices and building strong relationships with the people it serves. In this blog post, we will explore the history and philosophy behind C&B Farms and the impact it is making in the world of sustainable agriculture.


C&B Farms was founded in the 1960s by Charles and Bernice Braddock, who started out growing sweet corn and green beans on a small plot of land. As their farm grew, they began to experiment with new crops and sustainable farming practices. Today, the farm spans over 7,000 acres and grows a variety of crops, including sweet corn, green beans, radishes, cucumbers, and watermelons.


At the heart of C&B Farms' philosophy is a commitment to sustainability and community. The farm uses innovative farming techniques, such as cover cropping and drip irrigation, to conserve water and reduce the use of harmful chemicals. They prioritize soil health by using compost and other organic matter to build up the soil's nutrients.

C&B Farms also places a strong emphasis on building relationships with the people they serve. They have developed partnerships with local schools, food banks, and restaurants to provide fresh produce to those in need. The farm also hosts tours and educational events to teach people about sustainable farming practices and the benefits of eating fresh, locally-grown produce.


C&B Farms has made a significant impact on the world of sustainable agriculture and the communities it serves. The farm has been recognized for its commitment to sustainability and has won numerous awards for its innovative farming practices. They have also been recognized for their community involvement and dedication to providing fresh, healthy food to those in need.

The farm's impact extends beyond its own operations. C&B Farms has served as a model for other farmers looking to adopt sustainable farming practices. They have also helped to build strong relationships between farmers, consumers, and community organizations, creating a more interconnected and sustainable food system.


C&B Farms is an inspiring example of how sustainable agriculture can be done in a way that benefits both the environment and the community. Their commitment to sustainable farming practices and community involvement has made them a leader in the world of sustainable agriculture. As more people become interested in eating fresh, healthy food and reducing their environmental footprint, farms like C&B Farms will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of agriculture in the state of Florida.


A Celebration of Spring in Florida.


Why locally-sourced food matters.